Pan-Asian Synthetic Cell Research Memorandum of Understanding: A Framework for Strategic and Open Data Cooperation

Pan-Asian Synthetic Cell Research Memorandum of Understanding: A Framework for Strategic and Open Data Cooperation

The 2024 Synthetic Cell Asia Workshop held on April 2-3, 2024, observed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and 20 other institutions from 6 different nationalities. The MoU, aimed at accelerating and enhancing non-commercial research in synthetic biology, focuses on Pan-Asian synthetic cell research. The success of this collaboration hinges on the public-funded biofoundries in respective countries to promote automated and high-throughput research by standardizing and up-scaling the use of computer-aided design software, education, and new workflows.

Of the recent, the respective research institutions across Asia have made breakthroughs in synthetic cell research, with ongoing studies to develop protocellular ability to mimic basic cellular functions, such as energy regulation, metabolic processes, and cell surface interactions. Other research teams across Asia have leveraged cell-free synthesis for membrane proteins and other metabolically essential proteins, providing insight into the inner workings of a functional cell.

Through the establishment of this Pan-Asian collaboration, a concerted approach can be achieved to accelerate conducted research with the aim of generating an artificial cell that carries the minimal biochemical components needed to sustain life.

Additionally, this collaboration is a crucial component of the SynCell Global Initiative, working to develop from Asia to a global-scale synthetic cell community that further includes the Build-a-Cell network and the European Synthetic Cell Initiative.

Prof. LIU Chenli, the Vice Director of SIAT, highlighted that establishing the MoU provides a stable foundation for long-term synthetic cell research to foster interdisciplinary solutions. The members of these Asian countries are set to ramp up cooperation, drawing international institutions and businesses into Asian synthetic biology research.

Our goal is to tackle synthetic cell challenges, develop cutting-edge technologies, establish international standards," said LIU, "and achieve major breakthroughs in single-cell life synthesis."

During the workshop, 25 scientists from China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand gathered to share their latest findings and ideas through presentations and round-table discussions. This workshop was co-organized by SIAT and the Asian Synthetic Biology Association (ASBA).

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Signing Ceremony. (Image by SIAT)

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On-site Group Photo of the workshop. (Image by SIAT)